Saturday, August 7, 2010


How come some people are struggling to find flaws in everything and forgetting to see what's good in everything ?

Everybody has them. Everything has them. Some has less flaws than others but nothing has no flaws. Ironically enough, having no flaws is a flaw because then it isn't natural.
So why look for flaws when you know you everything, and everybody, already has them ?
You could also spend the rest of your life only seeing what's best in everything, but that wouldn't be good either.
Flaws exists because they have to . Flaws are what distinguish people, animals or other things from everything else. "I have to wide shoulders", "My nose is too big" or "my teeth are yellow" are normal flaws. But think... What if you didn't have any flaws ? what if your shoulders were perfect, your teeth were perfect and your nose was perfect ? Well that is impossible. Something "perfect" doesn't really exist. Every person has different likes and dislikes so every persons flaws varies. Some might have large shoulders and likes them but dislikes their yellow teeth.
And someone might have yellow teeth, doesn't care and only dislikes her large shoulders.

Flaws are only flaws if you see them as something bad. If you don't then you are perfect just the way you are !